Six Senses Subiaco


You’re not short of places to find an Asian meal in Perth, and if it’s Thai that you’re after, then you need to come pay us a visit here at Six Senses Gourmet Thai in Subiaco. We offer everything you could possibly want and more from a great Thai restaurant, with stir-fries, curries, soups and salads, all made with the finest ingredients and cooked up with love (and a fair few chillies). If you’re planning a night out in Subiaco, then you can get it to the best possible start by booking a table with us at our location on Rokeby Road, just around the corner from Subiaco train station.

We’re a short distance from Domain Stadium, too, so if you’re looking for a restaurant to toast an AFL victory or to cheer you up after a defeat, then we can provide a post-match meal that hits the spot. Come over and pay us a visit – see you soon!



Mon – Sun 12:00PM – 3:00PM,5:30 PM – 9.30PM

Please note the additional information:

BYO corkage fee – $2 per person


23/17-31 Rokeby Road, Subiaco WA 6008

Phone: +61893883969
Email :
